
APSU Notes

Chapter Two: The Structure of Art Quiz

Question 1

Four-dimensional art includes video, projection mapping, new media art, and what?

Performance Art

View Feedback Performance art is art in which the artist's medium is an action.

Question 2

Dry fresco is called buon fresco.


View Feedback Buon fresco is painting on wet plaster and fresco secco is done after the plaster has dried.

Question 3

Two-point perspective incorporates the recession of space in both vertical and horizontal directions


View Feedback Two-point perspective uses a horizon line and two separated vanishing points to present the illusion of a space that recedes in two directions. Three-point perspective incorporates the recession of space in a third, vertical direction above or below the horizon line as well as the two horizontal directions in two-point perspective.

Question 4

Linear Prespective is based on the regular geometric recession of space.

View Feedback Linear perspective is based on the regular geometric recession of space. Linear perspective uses a vanishing point and the horizon line.

Question 5

The various ways in which the elements of a composition are arranged to produce a desired effect are referred to as what?

Principles of design

View Feedback The principles of design are unity/variety, scale/proportion, balance, emphasis/movement, and rhythm/repetition

Question 6

Monochromatic color scheme uses a single color and Complementary color scheme uses colors opposite to each other on the color wheel.

View Feedback Monochromatic color scheme uses a single color, such as in The Old Guitarist by Picasso, and a complementary color scheme uses colors opposite to each other on the color wheel, such as in The Starry Night by Van Gogh.

Question 7

Which of the following is not a drawing medium?


View Feedback Watercolor is a type of paint which uses gum arabic as the binder.

Question 8

To convey three-dimensionality of forms on a flat surface artists use Chiaroscuro

View Feedback Chiaroscuro, or varying shades of light and dark, was used by artists to convey the three dimensionality of forms on a flat surface.

Question 9

Impasto is a very thick application of paint

View Feedback Impasto is a very thick application of paint in order to heighten the sense of reality in many of his paintings by adding actual texture.

Question 10

The intent of Installation is to transform an interior or exterior space to create an experience that surrounds and involves the viewer in an unscripted interaction with the environment.

View Feedback Installation is related to assembly, but the intent is to transform an interior or exterior space to create an experience that surrounds and involves the viewer in an unscripted interaction with the environment.


Chapter Two: The Structure of Art