
APSU Notes

Final Exam Review

What Kinds of Questions Are on the Exam?

  • Matching – match terms with definitions.
  • True/False
  • Multiple choice
  • Reading Code – given a fragment of code, what does it output?
  • Writing Code – given a specification, write a program or a part of a program that implements it.

What Does the Exam Cover

  • Chapter 5 - Introduction to Computers and Java
    • 5.1 - Class and Method Definitions
    • 5.2 - Information Hiding and Encapsulation
    • 5.3 - Object and References
  • Chapter 6 - Basic Computation
    • 6.1 - Constructors
    • 6.2 - Static Variables and Static Methods
    • 6.3 - Writing Methods
    • 6.4 - Overloading
  • Chapter 7 - Arrays
    • 7.1 - Array Basics
    • 7.2 - Arrays in Classes and Methods
    • 7.3 - Programming with Array and Classes
    • 7.4 - Sorting and Searching Arrays
    • 7.5 - Multidimensional Arrays
  • Chapter 8 - Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Interfaces
    • 8.1 - Inheritance Basics
    • 8.2 - Programming with Inheritance
    • 8.3 - Polymorphism
    • 8.4 - Interfaces and Abstract Classes
  • Chapter 9 - Exception Handling
    • 9.1 - Basic Exception Handling
    • 9.2 - Defining Your Own Exception Classes
    • 9.3 - More About Exception Classes
  • Chapter 11 - Recursion
    • 11.1 - The Basics of Recursion
    • 11.2 - Programming with Recursion


  • Chapter 5
    • Class
    • Object
    • Instance Variable
    • Method
    • Local Variable
    • Parameter
    • Argument
    • Information Hiding
    • Encapsulation
  • Chapter 6
    • Constructor
    • Default Constructor
    • Static Variable
    • Static Method
    • Boxing
    • Unboxing
    • Decomposition
    • Overloading
  • Chapter 7
    • Array
    • Array element
    • Index
    • Base type
    • Partially filled array
    • Selection sort
    • Sequential search
    • Multidimensional array
  • Chapter 8
    • Inheritance
    • Base class
    • Derived class
    • Polymorphism
    • Dynamic binding
    • Interface
    • Abstract class
  • Chapter 11
    • Recursion
    • Base case
    • Recursive call
    • Infinite recursion
    • Stack overflow
    • Binary search
    • Merge sort

Topics Covered After Midterm

4. Streams and Files

  • 10.1 - An Overview of Streams and File I/O
  • 10.2 - Text-File I/O
  • 10.3 - Techniques for Any File
  • 10.4 - Basic Binary-File I/O
  • 10.5 - Binary-File I/O, Objects & Arrays
  • 10.6 - Introduction to Sockets and Networking

5. Dynamic Data Structures

  • Define and use an instance of ArrayList
  • Introduction to the Java Collections Framework
  • Describe general idea of linked list data structures and implementation
  • Manipulate linked lists
  • Use inner classes in defining linked data structures
  • Describe, create, use iterators
  • Define, us classes with generic types
  • Terms
    • Data structure
    • Parameterized class
    • Linked list
    • Node
    • Inner class
    • Outer class
    • Circular linked list
    • Doubly linked list

6. Graphical Programming

  • 1.4
    • A Sample JavaFX program
    • Drawing Ovals and Circles
    • Size and Position of Figures
    • Drawing Arcs
  • 2.5
    • Style Rules Applied to a JavaFX Application
    • JOptionPane
    • Inputting Numeric Types
    • Multi-Line Output Windows
  • 3.4
    • Specifying a Drawing Color
    • A JOptionPane Yes/No Window
  • 4.3
    • Programming Example: A Multiface JavaFX program
    • The fillText method
  • 5.4
    • The GraphicsContext Class
    • Adding Labels to a JavaFX Application
  • 6.8
    • Adding buttons
    • Adding button images
  • 7.6
    • Layout Panes
    • Combining Layouts
    • The Classes TextArea and TextField
    • Drawing Polygons
  • 8.5
    • Event-Driven Programming
    • Separate class to handle events
    • Anonymous inner class
    • Same class as the window

What Should I Study?

  • Textbook chapter summaries
  • PowerPoint slides
  • Quizzes
  • Assignments
  • Notes you have taken for the course