
APSU Notes

Graphics Supplement (Part 1)

Savitch 1.4, 2.5, 3.4, 4.3

Graphics Supplement 1-4: Outline


  • JavaFX is a set of packages that allow Java programmers to create graphics and media applications.
    • 2D, 3D games
    • Visual Effects
    • Touch-enabled applications
    • Successor to AWT and Swing for making graphical applications
    • In JavaFX you add scenes to the stage. A _canvas is an object that you can draw shapes on.

A Sample JavaFX Application

  • View sample program Listing 1.2 class HappyFace


  • The start method is the starting method for a JavaFX application, not the main method
  • The first four lines of the start method set up a canvas on a scene for you to draw simple graphics

Screen Coordinate System

  • Figure 1.6


  • The x-coordinate is the number of pixels from the from the left.
  • The y-coordinate is the number of pixels from the top (not from the bottom).

Drawing Ovals and Circles

  • The strokeOval method draws only the outline of the oval.
    • gc.strokeOval(100, 50, 90, 50);
  • The fillOval method draws a filled-in oval.
    • gc.fillOval(100, 50, 90, 50);
  • The strokeOval and fillOval methods take four arguments.
    • The first two arguments indicate the upper-left corner of an invisible rectangle around the oval.
    • The last two arguments indicate the width and height of the oval.
  • A circle is just an oval whose height is the same as its width.
  • Figure 1.7 The Oval Drawn by gc.strokeOval(100, 50, 90, 50)


Size and Positions of Figures

  • Sizes and positions in a JavaFX program are given in pixels.
  • Think of the display surface for the applet as being a two-dimensional grid of individual pixels.

Drawing Arcs

  • The strokeArc method draws an arc.
    • strokeArc(100, 50, 200, 200, 180, 180, ArcType.OPEN);
  • The strokeArc method takes seven arguments.
    • The first four arguments are the same as the four arguments needed by the strokeOval method.
    • The next two arguments indicate where the arc starts, and the number of degrees through which is sweeps.
    • O degrees is horizontal and to the right.
    • The last argument indicates if the arc is open or closed.

Specifying an Arc


Graphics Supplement: Outline Section 2.5

Style Rules Applied to a JavaFX Application

  • View sample program class HappyFace listing 2.9


  • Named constants makes it easier to find values.
  • Comments and named constants male changing the code much easier.
  • Named constants protect against changing the wrong.


  • View sample program class JOptionPaneDemo, listing 2.10


  • JOptionPane can be used to construct windows that interact with the user.
  • The JOptionPane class is imported by
    • import javax.swing.JApplet;
  • The JOptionPane class produces windows for obtaining input or displaying output.
  • Use showInputDialog() for inout.
  • Only string values can be input.
  • To convert an input value from a string to an integer use the parseInt() method from the Integer class, use
    • appleCount = Integer.parseInt(appleString);
  • Output is displayed using the showMessageDialog method.
    • JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Total number of fruits = " + totalFruitCount);
  • Syntax
    • Input
      • String Variable = JOptionPane.showInputDialogue (String_Expression);
    • Output
      • JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, String_Expression);
  • Sytem.exit(0) ends the program.

JOptionPane Cautions

  • If the input is not in the correct format, the program will crash.
  • If you omit the last line (System.exit(0)), the program will not end, even when the ok button in the output window is clicked.
  • Always label any output.

Inputting Numeric Types

  • JOptionPane.showInputDialog can be used to input any of the numeric types.
  • Figure 2.8 Methods for converting string to numbers


Mult-Line Output Windows

  • To output multiple lines using the method JOptionPane.showMessageDialog, insert the new line character '\n' into the string used as the second argument.
    • OptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The number of apples\n" + "plus the number of oranges\n" + "is equal to " + totalFruit);
  • Figure 2.9 A dialog window containing multiline output


Programming Example

  • View sample program class ChangeMakerWindow, listing 2.11


Graphics Supplement: Outline Section 3.4

Specifying a Drawing Color

  • When drawing a shape inside a JavaFX canvas think of the drawing being done with a pen that can change colors.
  • The method setFill changes the color of the “pen”
    • gc.setFill(Color.YELLOW);
  • Drawings done later appear on top of drawings done earlier.
  • View sample program, Listing 3.6 class YellowFace


  • Figure 3.10 Predefined Colors for the setColor method


A Dialog Box for a Yes-or-No Question

  • Used to present the user with a yes/no question
  • The window contains
    • The question text
    • Two buttons labeled yes and no.
  • Example:
int answer = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "End Program?", "Click Yes or No:", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
if (answer == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
} else if (answer == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) {
    System.out.println("One more time");


  • Figure 3.11 A Yes-or No-Dialog Box

Programming Example

  • A multiface JavaFX Application
    • Uses loop to draw several smiley faces
    • Uses if statement to alter appearance
  • View sample program, listing 4.9 class MultipleFaces


The fillText Method

  • Similar to methods for drawing ovals
  • Displays Text
  • Example
    • gc.fillText("Hello", 10, 20);
    • Writes world hello at point (10, 20)
  • Used to place “Kiss, Kiss” and “Tee Hee” on screen in listing 4.9
