
APSU Notes

Midterm Review

What Kinds of Questions Are on the Exam?

  • Matching – match terms with definitions.
  • True/False
  • Multiple choice
  • Reading Expressions – given an expression, what does it evaluate to?
  • Writing Expressions – given a description, write the expression.
  • Reading Code – given a fragment of code, what does it output?
  • Writing Code – given a specification, write a program or a part of a program that implements it.

What Does the Test Cover?

  • Chapter 1 – Introduction to Computers and Java
  • Chapter 2 – Basic Computation
    • 2.1 – Variables and Expressions
    • 2.2 – The Class String
    • 2.3 – Keyboard and Screen I/O
    • 2.4 – Documentation and Style
  • Chapter 3 – Flow of Control: Branching
    • 3.1 – The if-else Statement
    • 3.2 – The Type boolean
    • 3.3 – The switch Statement
  • Chapter 4 – Flow of Control: Loops
    • 4.1 – Java Loop Statements
    • 4.2 – Programming with Loops

What Should I Study?

  • Textbook chapter summaries
  • PowerPoint slides
  • Quizzes
  • Assignments
  • Notes you have taken for the course

Terms – Chapter 1 – Hardware and OS

  • CPU – central processing unit
  • Memory
  • RAM – random access memory
  • Address
  • Bit
  • Byte
  • File
  • OS – operating system

Terms – Chapter 1 – Programming Languages

  • Compiler
  • Interpreter
  • Source Code
  • Bytecode
  • Statement
  • Variable
  • Expression
  • Syntax

Terms – Chapter 1 – Programming Basics

  • OOP – object-oriented programming
  • Class
  • Method
  • Encapsulation
  • Information Hiding
  • Polymorphism
  • Inheritance
  • Algorithm

Terms – Chapter 2

  • Declaration
  • Integer
  • Floating-point number
  • Character
  • Identifier
  • Keyword
  • Assignment Statement
  • Constant
  • String

Terms – Chapters 3

  • Control structure
  • Branching statement
  • Boolean expression
  • Comparison operator
  • Logical operator
  • Nesting
  • Short-circuit evaluation
  • Enumeration

Terms – Chapter 4

  • Loop statement
  • Body
  • Iteration
  • Count-controlled loop
  • Sentinel value
  • Infinite loop
  • Off-by-one error