
APSU Notes

Chapter Nine: Art & Power Quiz

Question 1

Which term, from the Latin for “to bring into being or create” is associated with artists?


View Feedback The Ancient Romans called the guiding spirit of the arts the “genius”, from the Latin genui

Question 2

What type of sculpture is contained in a frieze?


View Feedback A frieze is rows of relief sculpture.

Question 3

Persuasion involves convincing someone of your point of view. What of these does persuasion contain?


View Feedback Coercion is the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats

Question 4

What does Aniconic art avoid?

Figural images of the Sakymuni Buddha

View Feedback Early Buddhist art avoided figural images of the Sakymuni Buddha but this changes over time.

Question 5


Jacques-Louis David was commissioned by Napoleon Bonaparte to paint a portrait of his crossing the Alps. Napoleon wanted a piece of Propaganda Showing him as the timeless ideal of a great man.

Question 6

The bronze head of Sargon of Akkad was defaced on purpose.


Question 7

Which culture is associated with the Muses, the personification of knowledge and the art?


View Feedback The Greeks believed that the Muses helped inspire them to write, sculpt, and compose works of art.

Question 8

Portraits containing features or characteristics exaggerated for comic effect.


View Feedback A caricature is a picture, description, or imitation of a person or thing in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic effect.

Question 9

Art has always been associated with Power

Question 10

Changes in the interpretation of war art in the nineteenth century was due in part to changes towards realism in art


Chapter Nine: Art & Power