
APSU Notes


  • You need to remake an artwork that is illustrated in your textbook
    • A copy or a creative interpretation
  • You will use one of the following styles:
    • Drawing
    • Painting
    • Collage
    • Mosaic
    • Sculpting with air dry clay
  • You will CAN NOT use Photography or Digital Renderings
  • You will also include a 1-page write-up about your art project

Final Art Project: “In Style Of”

  • Your project should be a creative copy or creative interpretation of a work of art that was in the textbook
  • It should be at least 9 x 12 in size for 2-Dimensional work and 10” tall for 3-Dimensional work
  • Use one of the following methods:
    • Drawing
    • Painting
    • Collage
    • Mosaic
    • Sculpting with air dry clay
  • Photograph your final project
  • If you complete a 3-Dimensional project you must include an image with a ruler to show the work is at least 10” tall
  • Submit the photograph/photographs, in .jpeg or .pdf of your final project to the assignment

You will not be graded on your artistic skill, just on your effort and ability to follow direction

Most Important: Have Fun!!

Final Art Project: Written Assignment

  • You will write a 1-page paper to go along with your project
  • Your paper should be formatted as follows
    • Heading with name, course number/section, assignment title, and date in upper right corner
    • Calibri or Arial font
    • 12 point
    • 1” margins
    • Double Spaced
    • Submitted in .pdf, .doc, or .docx format
  • Your write up should be about the process and meaning of the work
    • Include at the beginning the title of the artwork and the artist.
    • Why did you choose this work?
    • Briefly describe the art movement or style of the piece.
    • How did you make your project?
    • Did you enjoy the process? Why or why not?
    • What do you think of your final process? Do you feel you were successful? Why or why not?
  • Submit your paper to the Final Art Project Write-Up Assignment
