
APSU Notes

Critical Analysis Writing Assignment

Critical analysis

Written Assignment


The Image Selection

  • During Week Five (February 14 – February 20, 2022) you will select a work of art that you want to write your critical analysis on
    • You will submit an image or images of your work of art
    • You must follow the example for how to submit your image.
  • Your Image Selection is due February 20, 2022 at 11:59 PM

Description and Analysis

  • During Week Eight (March 14 – March 20, 2022) you will start your description and analysis of the work of art that you chose in Week Five
    • You need to provide a detailed description of your chosen work of art
      • Include information about line, shape, mass, volume, space, texture, and color
    • You need to complete an analysis of your chosen work of art based on your detailed description
      • How are the elements related
      • Discuss the unity, variety, scale, balance, emphasis, and rhythm
    • The worksheets that we completed in Week Five will help you with this process
  • When you submit your analysis to D2L you will receive a Similarity report and a grammar feedback
    • Your similarity report score needs to be less than 15% for your final Critical analysis to be accepted
  • Your Description and analysis is due March 20, 2022 at 11:59 PM

Interpretation and Evaluation

  • During Week Ten (March 28 – April 3, 2022) you will start your interpretation and Evaluation of the work of art you chose in Week Five
    • Your interpretation needs to take into account what the artwork says as well as what you feel about the artwork
      • Include how the meaning of objects may have changed over time
    • Using your description, analysis, and interpretation you will complete your evaluation
      • Your reaction to the artwork is an important component of your evaluation
    • The worksheets that we completed in Week Five will help you with this process
  • When you submit your analysis to D2L you will receive a Similarity report and a grammar feedback
    • Your similarity report score needs to be less than 15% for your final Critical analysis to be accepted
  • Your Interpretation and evaluation will be due April 3, 2022 at 11:59 PM

Critical Analysis Final Submission

  • During Week Twelve (April 11 – April 17, 2022) you will start to edit your final critical analysis
    • When you submit your analysis to d2l you will receive a Similarity report and a grammar feedback
      • Your similarity report score needs to be less than 15% for your Critical analysis to be accepted
      • Submit your paper early so you can make use of the grammar feedback and make any corrections that are needed
      • You can submit three times and receive feedback soon after submission, on the fourth submission you will have to wait 24 hours to receive your similarity report and grammar feedback.
  • Your final critical analysis Paper needs to be 2 – 4 pages in length
  • Your Critical Analysis Final paper is due April 17, 2022 at 11:59 PM
